The project
The creation of a structure of Digital Signage dedicated to institutional communication and relationship management with the media and with the users of the Carlo Besta Foundation.
The client
Foundation I.R.C.C.S. Carlo Besta Neurological Institute
Period of implementation
Activities and realised solutions
The Besta Institute of Milan, following its transformation into a foundation, set up a dedicated corporate communication structure for the management of relations with the media and with users in order to ensure reliable information, as well as accurate and timely processing of services. Since 2008 the Company TV® Besta circuit has been activated, consisting of four stations of digital signage installed at strategic points (cashdesk, CUP, clinics, receptions). Through these positions, information about clinical activities, waiting times, campaigns of social interest, information on how to book, scheduled visits, etc are conveyed.
The CMS (Content Management System) allows the management of information directly from the administration of the Foundation quickly and easily. For the user, the touch screen system allows a quick and intuitive consultation.
BBS, as well as the management platform and use of the information schedule was also in charge of the optimisation of content and the creation of interactive animations / photos / audio files / videos.